The Sinister Field Trip: A Dark Secret Revealed

The Sinister Field Trip: A Dark Secret Revealed

This happened to me 17 years ago, but I still remember every detail. Our teacher announced a new field trip, and we were all going. My mother hated field trips, but I convinced her because our usual driver, a good friend of hers, was supposed to take us. Excitement buzzed through the class as we speculated about our destination.

The day finally arrived, and we were all eager to find out where we were headed. We were split into groups of four: me, Zach, Nia, and Tyler. We were told to stay with our groups, which was fine by me. As we boarded the school bus, the driver introduced himself, "Welcome, everyone! I'm Rick. Today we're going to Magic Meals Fantastic Fields!" The excitement vanished instantly. Who was this guy? Where was my mom's friend?

I shrugged it off, thinking someone must have replaced him. Everyone was curious about "Magic Meals Fantastic Fields," but soon forgot as Rick played some music. After what felt like forever, we arrived at a sketchy, abandoned area with a scruffy, old sign barely hanging on. I didn't care and just wanted to get off the bus. We exited and got into our groups.

A mysterious man greeted Rick, "Hey Rick! Introduce yourself to the kids."

"Hello children! I am Leon, the owner of this field," he said. "Enough talking, it's getting late. Head to your cabins, and later we'll play some fun games!"

I loved games and was excited to find out what we'd play. We reached the cabins around 7:25 PM, even though we had arrived at 7 PM. The walk felt uneasy, like someone was following us. Rick kept trying to talk to us, but we ignored him. Each group had its own cabin, so we chose one and unpacked.

"What do you guys think we’re gonna play?" asked Nia.

"I don't really care, I just want to go home. Why did it take SO long to get here?" replied Zach.

We laughed and left our cabins, seeing Leon talking with Rick. Did he actually come with us? It felt like things kept getting worse.

"Alright kids, today you will be playing a survival game! The first group to get 10 sticks, 5 rocks, and 8 berries wins a mystery prize! The losers face punishment," Leon announced.

"What punishment?" asked Reo, a kid from another group. Leon just laughed. "Time starts NOW!"

We quickly strategized: I would find the berries, Zach the rocks, and Nia and Tyler the sticks. In under 10 minutes, we were the first to finish. Easy game, but three other groups were still out. One by one, two more groups finished. The last group never returned.

Rick went to look for them and came back saying, "They faced their punishment!"

"For the winners, go back to your cabins. Good job!"

Something wasn’t right. Nia pulled us aside and whispered, “Rick has a knife in his pocket.” My heart dropped. I looked and saw she was right. This Rick wasn’t our driver; he was a complete monster. We immediately packed our stuff, ready to leave. Suddenly, Rick and Leon called out, “Times up, winner group, you gotta come out now. We are getting ready for our final game.”

Tyler looked out the window. There was only one group outside. Where was the other group? What happened to them? My breathing got louder and louder, then we heard a knock. “Come out NOW,” Leon said, trying to open the cabin door. Thankfully, Zach had locked it when we came inside.

There was a window at the back. Tyler decided to go out and check if it was safe for us to escape. Leon kept messing with the lock, trying to get in, until we heard Rick say, “JUST BURN THIS WHOLE PLACE DOWN THEN THEY WILL ALL COME OUT,” as he laughed maniacally. Leon joined him in laughter. Tyler decided to make a run for it, but unfortunately, they heard him. Almost immediately, we saw Rick running after Tyler like a wolf catching its prey. I checked again, and there were no groups outside. WHAT IS GOING ON? Where did everyone go? They disappeared into thin air like they didn’t even exist. We were the final three: me, Zach, and Nia.

Rick came back with a bloody knife, and Leon started talking. “You silly little kids… you really believed this? Did we traumatize you? Aww… are you sad? Well GOOD. You are the final three, and we won’t let you go. You saw EVERYTHING and you think WE can trust YOU?”

Rick laughed and continued after Leon, “Everyone's dead, even your driver. No one is coming to get you or help! We don’t even own this area!”

Zach whispered, “They are too distracted. We can exit through a vent over there. It only fits one person, so I think I should risk it, then we all go.” Me and Nia agreed. Zach went first, then me, then Nia. Leon and Rick kept talking, not noticing we were escaping through the vents. As I was coming out, I accidentally made a loud noise, alerting them. I ran with Zach, completely forgetting about Nia. We finally found help from a passerby and managed to escape.

Three days later, the news announced that 13 dead children were found in an old forest and one right outside a cabin. The men were caught and weren’t even called Rick and Leon.

Nia died because of me... yeah... I was jealous of her. I made that noise on purpose, knowing if I left Nia, she would suffer. She liked Zach, and I wasn't going to let her have him. Well, no one knows and no one will ever know the truth about the field trip.

#FieldTripMystery #SpookyAdventure #AbandonedPlaces #ScaryStories #MysteriousEvents #HauntedTrip #SurvivalGame #FinalEscape #DarkTruth #HauntedFieldTrip
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